Mission Statement

Answers the question: What do we believe God is calling us to DO?

“To love and serve with Jesus.”


Vision Statement

Answers the question: Who is God is calling us to BE?

“To be a vibrant and generous community of faith sharing the beauty and struggle of life through a Lutheran perspective.”


Core Values

Keep us on track in carrying out our mission…

GATHER:  Worship is grounded in Word and Sacrament. 

     The Holy Spirit gathers us together (Acts 2) to worship the living God (Psalm 100) and not the form of worship (Article VII of the Augsburg Confession). When we gather together for worship, the Lord is with us (Matthew 18:20) and we experience God’s grace as we worship in spirit and truth (John 4:23).


GROW:  Christian learning is Bible-based and life-long.

     We can’t outgrow Christian faith. We are called to move from spiritual infancy to spiritual maturity (Philippians 3:13-14Ephesians 4:12-14). All Scripture is God-breathed (2 Timothy 3:16-17) and endures forever (Isaiah 40:8). God’s Word shapes and transforms us, we don’t shape and transform it. (Romans 12:2).


GIVE:  Serving others changes lives with God’s great love.

     God so loved the world (John 3:16), and calls us to do the same (Matthew 22:39). We cheerfully give (2 Corinthians 9:7) to God’s mission in the world. Jesus sends us out to share the Gospel (Matthew 28:19), to welcome all (Luke 5:32Luke 15:2), and to build God’s Kingdom (Ephesians 2:19-21).

Sunday Worship Services:

Sunday School (preK – 5th grade): 9:00 AM, begins September 18th, 2024

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