At Atonement, we welcome people of ALL ages into worship. Recent research from Fuller Youth Institute suggests that one of the ways to build a long-lasting faith in young people is for them to regularly worship with their families.



Sunday School

From September-May, we offer Sunday School for 4 years-old through 5th grade.  Visitors are always welcome at Sunday School. Sunday School takes place on Sunday morning from 8:45 to 10:00 AM.  Because “Families worshipping together” is important at Atonement, Children register from 8:45 to 9:00 AM, and then begin in the sanctuary at the 9:00 AM service.  After the first 10 to 15 minutes of worship, the children are dismissed to Sunday School until 10:00 AM when the 9:00 AM service ends.


Ages/Grades: Preschool—Elementary (4 yr.-old through 5th grade)


To register for Sunday School, Click Here!


Boosters, Bibles and Bags

Children engage best in worship when they can see.  There are booster seats under the back pews that young children can use to see better. Worship bags are available which give kids a variety of things to do at their seats.  Children’s Bibles are also available.


Children and Youth Serve in Worship

At Atonement, we believe that every person has gifts that are meant to be shared with the larger church community.  We welcome children to participate, serve and lead worship in age-appropriate ways.  These may include; sharing their musical gifts, reading scripture, acolyting, serving on the tech team and ushering.


Faith Milestones

We believe that faith is a continual journey that begins at birth and does not end until death.  Beginning with Baptism, we welcome children into the family of God.  As a congregation, we promise to pray for and support families as they nurture their children’s faith.  One of the ways we do this is by marking regular faith milestones.


A faith milestones program gives families an opportunity to interact with other families who have the same aged children in a one-time experiential class.  They learn about their faith together and later receive a blessing in worship from our entire congregation.  Examples of faith milestones include:  Baptism, First Bible Presentation, First Communion, Confirmation and High School Graduation.


Child / Volunteer Safety Information

We are committed to keeping your child safe while enrolled in any program at Atonement. All adults 18 and over who work with Atonement youth are trained and subject to annual background checks.  To view or download our Child & Volunteer Protection Policy, please click here.


Sunday Worship Services:

Sunday School (preK – 5th grade): 9:00 AM, begins September 18th, 2024

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