ONE OF OUR EXPECTATIONS for members of Atonement is that they move spiritually closer to Christ in their personal faith journeys. One of the core catalysts in making that happen is to spend time in God’s Word as well as engage in small groups and develop spiritual friendships. Atonement offers several opportunities for adults to enrich their knowledge of God, of the church and of ourselves by developing a character that is more like Jesus Christ.
Atonement Men’s Group
Saturday mornings, 8:00 AM-9:30 AM in the Gathering Place
We meet as a large group to learn from selected studies. Then we break up into smaller groups to allow time for sharing experiences and practical applications in daily living. Participation includes occasional full or half day service projects, hosting a speaker to address men’s issues and an occasional guy’s night out. All men are welcome to be part of our study, service or social events.
Women’s Bible Study
Weekly on Tuesdays, Morning Session: 9:30 AM-11:00 AM & Evening Session: 7:00 PM-8:30 PM
Women’s Bible Study is a time for us to gather each week, share conversation, support one another in our faith journeys, and learn how God’s Word speaks into our lives each and every day.